Saturday, March 8, 2014

Introductory Post

Hello! I am Emily Newman and this is a blog I will be keeping as I read The Joy Luck Club. I am 18 years old and I am both a high school and a cosmetology student. Some of my hobbies and favorite activities are: video gaming, hanging out with friends, swimming, hairstyling, and reading. I am pretty thankful that my current English class offered a novel project final because, with how busy its been, I haven't gotten the chance to curl up with a good book. When I saw the list of novels, I was thankful I found one that is very familiar to me. Though I had not read the book, I had watched the movie countless times with my mother. The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan is a very powerful novel about 8 Chinese women, all mothers and daughters. I chose this novel 1. because I am familiar with it and 2. because it speaks to me in a personal way. Based on what I have seen in the film, a reoccurring message in the story is to be empowered as a woman. This is something my mother has taught me from a young age, so the story itself is similar to the relationship because me and my own mother. I hope to gain a better understanding of this novel and find the ultimate theme of the entire piece by the end of this project.

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